Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Portfolio Madness 2009

Portfolios, The stress and the chaos of finishing on time and meeting every deadline. Of Course, we were all anxious to get it done and excited for it to be graded along with our CATS test. Just about a week before our portfolios were due and the final deadline was the last day of everything, They told us that our portfolio wouldn't be assessed. I was mad that they told us just about a week 'til they were finally due and then they told us that they wouldn't count and that we practically did them for nothing.

I think that portfolios should be included in the grading of our tests because our writings actually show how much we have changed since the begining of the year when we wrote 3 sentences paragraphs with descriptive words like Pretty and ugly. Since i have been in Ms. Holmes 7th grade classes i have noticed that instead of saying "The house is pretty" i say, "The house was a beautiful soft pink with wonderful white shudders that really make the house stand out from the road." That statement says that the house is outstanding and pretty without actually saying that its pretty.
Ms. Holmes has taught me so much this year and i believe that we should show off the skills in writing that counts toward our passing to the next grade instead of just our test grades.

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