Thursday, April 9, 2009

The newest Cliff Jumper...

My Knees are sticking to the glovebox, and I'm squished between mom and the car door. I thought as i wiggled around to get comfortable, which was almost immpossible. We were all together in a 2 seated little black pick-up truck driving to Grayson. Atleast this time i was finally aloud to cliff jump with J.D. I thought as i slowly dozed off...

When i woke up we were pulling into Wendy's in Grayson for lunch. The smell of fresh made french fries filled the car as we ordered. "How much longer mom?" i asked as i reached for a french fry.

"Not much longer. maybe another 10 minutes. Be patient. i know your excited." She replied as she turned to Jerry, my step-dad, and started a conversation. So I looked out the window and watched the scenery pass by the window as we arrived at the boat dock.

Once we parked, i jumped out of the car and smelled the fish, lake water and trees all mixed together to create the smell i truely love. Grayson Lake. I sighed as i looked around for Andy so i could help him unload the car and bring all our stuff down to Mikes Houseboat, where we were staying for the weekend. Once everything had been brought down to the houseboat and Jerry had backed in the Fountain, we headed out to Moon Bay, a cove on the lake. It was all 8 of us; Mike, Michelle, Jacob and Rachel Tackett, and us.

Me and Jacob both ran around the sides of the boat and up the ladder to the top of the boat. We sat side-by-side on the dark green lawn chairs talking and laughing in the shining sun. The rocking of the houseboat on the waves were both soothing and relaxing. I cant wait until we get to Moon Bay because then its only a few more minutes until we go to the cliff and ill be abe to jump off! I thought as i closed my eyes to block out the sun and i just listened to the waves hit the sides of the boat.

Finally! i thought as we pulled into the cove and docked next to our other friends Jim and Susan. I was over-come by my excitement i threw on my bathing suit and jumped into the water. the cool June water chilled my body but it felt good compared to the hot sun. "Olivia! do you wanna go on a boat ride with us and then maybe go on a boat ride?" Susan asked as she waited for my answer.
"Yes!!" i yelled back as i swam to shore and grabbed my towel.

I climbed onto their boat as they started it. the low rumble of the engine was loud, but not too loud. we were off to a different cove. A cove called Cliffty Creek. It wasnt far from Moon Bay but it took a little while to get there. Although, when we arrived i was anxious to jump off the cliff. So, me and J.D. and Mike all swam over to the place where you walked up to get to the cliff. Once we got up there i looked down at the water. Man, its higher up here than it looks... i thought as i backed up and got ready to jump. I gulped and clenched my hands together and then jumped. Free-falling through the air until i hit the water with a huge splash.

My adrenaline bubbled inside me as i came up from the water. "Best experience of my life!" i exclaimed as i swam back over to the boat to watch mike and J.D. jump. Once we were all done jumping we headed back to the boat for stories, hamburgers, and campfires...

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