Friday, April 10, 2009

My Favorite Genre.

Ever since I started writing, I have noticed that I'm the best at writing Fiction Short stories. They have always caught my interest because, I have always loved to write about mystical creatures not real to this world. In the 3rd grade I often stayed after school with my teacher so I could continue writing my portfolio piece. I wrote about 2 fairies and a talking mountain and, I had so much fun writing about the fictional characters.

Since then, i have loved writing about fictional characters and mystical places. I truely enjoy writing more than anything, and I write about anything almost everyday in my free-time. My parents were very proud of me and my writings and how I could take my imagination and put it into words and on paper. I was very proud of myself also as I continued to write novels.

Nanowrimo, National Novel Writing Month. November, Ms. Holmes 7th grade writing class we had written novels for class and, I enjoyed writing a fiction story in my free-time that i would turn in for a grade. I was very excited and started writing immediatly. A whole month dedicated to writing was like heaven for me, Writing in class and at home. Ms. Holmes set a goal of 7,000 words and i wrote well over that.

Even now as I write in my Blog, or in my free-time, i still love to write and i hope to continue this hobby for a very long time. I would love to maybe one day publish my writings or make them public for everyone to read and to be inspired to write stories of their own. I was inspired by reading many fictional books such as, The Twilight series, and Nightworld.

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