Tuesday, April 14, 2009

February Ice Storm

This is a writing prompt in our writing class and I absolutely loved this piece so, i decided to share it with you. Enjoy(:

“Hello? Hello? I think the phone just went dead.” I said as I sat my cell phone onto the table and looked around. Dad was beside the fire place watching the fire intensely, as the glow of orange lit up most of the dark room, occasionally moving around the logs, watching the sparks fly freely into the air. I walked over to the couch and sat next to mom who was trying to get the news channel on the radio. So, I got up and walked over to the glass door and watching the snow and ice fall onto the ground with Andy.

“I wish we could have gone outside to play.” He said as he sighed and walked over to help dad. I stood there watching the ice storm outside. It’s actually very beautiful. I like watching the snow fall like this. It’s really pretty. I thought as I smiled and walked over to listen to the radio with mom.

“The power should be back up around mid-day tomorrow….” I sighed and leaned back onto the soft cushions. I sunk into them into my own little world of comfort and protection and, apparently, dozed off. I woke up the next day to the television blaring SpongeBob Square pants.

“Nothing like the morning cartoons.” Mom said as she looked over and saw I was awake. “We all slept down here last night everywhere else was too cold to be able to sleep comfortably.” She explained as she looked down at Andy who was sitting on the floor laughing at the television. I sat up and decided to go find dad. So, I got up and walked into the kitchen and saw him drinking coffee and reading yesterday’s paper. He saw my gaze on the front cover of the newspaper.

“Today’s hasn’t come yet.” He explained as he flipped to the next page and took a sip of coffee. So, I walked back out to mom and Andy who were still watching SpongeBob.

“Mom, when can we go out and play in the snow?” I asked as my gaze went from the T.V. to mom.

“You can go now if you’d like. But, me or your father have to go out with you.” She said as she got up. “I guess I’ll go out with you.” She continued so, I got up and gave her the biggest hug I could.

“Thank you mommy!” I exclaimed as I ran to the front hall closet and grabbed all my snow stuff like my snow pants, my hat, gloves, boots, everything I needed to sled in the snow. I raced upstairs and put on my clothes as fast as my little hands could go. I was so excited. Once I was finished I raced down and waited for mom and Andy. I saw them walking down the stairs and that was good enough for me so, I ran to the door and I swung the door open and stepped outside while the cold wind hit my warm face. Chills went up my spine, and my nose froze almost instantly but, I didn’t care. We all went sledding all day and had the most fun ever.

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