Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Jeremy" Reaction

The song "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam really got me thinking. Although I may have reacted differently than the others. If you think about all the kids you have made fun of and teased, when they act like nothing is wrong and they act like the comment made didnt hurt but, it does. Some kids cant hold in their anger any longer and thats how school shootings happen. This Song/video are trying to make a point. The point is that, we make fun of all these kids and they end up with either suicide or a school shooting happens. Thats why this song/video is important because it shows what can happen when the teasing, the pointing and laughing, pointing out others flaws can do to someone. Its important that kids understand that they arent just laughing at a kid that doesnt show his/her feelings toward it and they dont try and do anything to stop it, its pushing them closer to the edge to where once they reach the edge their going to push back whether thats suicide or a shooting. These things happen and all their trying to do is help others see what can happen when a child gets pushed too far.

1 comment:

  1. I like your personal connection to the song, which is exactly what we're supposed to do with a good piece of art (words can be art, too). I really hope everyone stops to think about what treating someone unkindly can do.
